Into the Spidey-verse…of Javascript
After our fourth month in the software engineering program at the Flatiron school, we had to build an application with a Rails API backend and a HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frontend. This was the next big step in my web development journey as I was leaving behind the comfortable confines of the Ruby programming language (mostly) and we started learning this new fancy JavaScript stuff. There is so much more added functionality (and complexity) to Javascript, so I was excited!
My project is a tracking system for all of the different Spidey super heroes across the Spidey-Verse. As the only Superhero who can cross over into other Universes of himself, Spiderman is a hard hero to track. This database allows you to stay up to date with which comic universe each Spidey is popping into. See below for an early tutorial.
Issues that Arose
Learning Javascript Syntax- Ruby and Javascript have similar structures, but there are some punctuation and wording differences that I had to get used to early on in this unit and in doing the project. I don’t mind these additional complexities because the language does allow for each page to have a lot more functionality.
CREATE Fetch- I had to create a few functions that would allow the user to fill out a form and click a submit button. This would then create a new car in the database on the back-end AND render their card on the front end. At varying points, I had issues constructing each new instance, but I was able to figure it out with some debugging.
For Another Day
There is a lot more things that I want to add to this app as I continue my Javascript journey. I want to allow the user to add comics to the database if they perform their own maintenance. I also want to allow the user to upload a new Spidey onto the site. Additionally, I want to continue to play around with the CSS and formatting of the site.